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Friday, February 3, 2012

Vintage Yet New

Ryan and I seldom craft. We often find it wasteful, but even more than that, we just don't want stuff hanging around.

However, it seems that around various holidays (fall/halloween/valentine's) we get our craft on.

The other day Ryan asked if I wanted to do this. What a great idea!

I couldn't find tin mailboxes, so I called around to some craft stores for other ideas...

And that evening, with a few minor adjustments to our non-existent crafting budget, we walked into Hobby Lobby and walked out with $15 worth of craft supplies.

We got some themed paper... and Ryan even printed out some vintage valentines. (:

Some "Mod Podge"...

And three cardboard mailboxes. (:

Fortunately we had a few crafty brushes to use...

And use them we did!

I think I might have missed out on my childhood or something because you'd think I would have done this before... but then again, maybe I have. And have just chosen to block out those memories...

We let them dry...

And took pictures of our final products. :)

Here's to the month of love!

Let the love notes and valentines begin!


Rowbury Adventures said...

Nice work!! Those look so darn cute.

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