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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

This is Grenada | #TIG

Over the past few weeks, I have quickly observed a distinct difference between those who really thrive here and those who don’t: I attribute it to one thing: T.I.G. 

Or in other words, "This is Grenada." Let me explain.

Americans have expectations of American things. 

Cheap food. Reliable electricity. Good customer service. A good car. Hot water. 

I could go on. 

Here in Grenada, when something doesn't go right, people always seem to throw out, "TIG." 

In exasperation, in jest, in frustration.

Linguistically speaking it's meaning has come to be a cross between a cuss word and a euphemism for the phrase "third world problems". (I'm generalizing here but this train of thought is pretty pervasive. One of the major exceptions I've found to this is a post written by a Stephanie, a former SGU SO, who found my blog a couple of months ago. When I googled "TIG Grenada" her post was one of the first to populate.)

Now, I am more likely than the average person to use a good #hashtag, to emphasize linguistic meaning, but think about it, Americans can be entitled because of being accustomed to our easy way of life (aka luxuries). 

However, this easy way of life is uncommon outside of the US of A.

So I didn't hear from my jeweler on the day that they said they’d call, I'm rollin' with it. 

So something on my car broke, I'm rollin' with it. 

So my fridge isn't really an ice box, but rather a cooler, I'm rollin' with it. 

So my milk (and veggies, and leftovers, and everything) goes bad, I'm rollin' with it. 

Not-so-great things can happen anywhere… Grenada or the States, so I'm rollin with it. 

The second night I was here, someone mentioned to me that often Americans insult Grenada in front of Grenadians.

This really bothers me. 

If someone said something about the United States in that way, I would not-so-nicely suggest that they leave. 

After hearing this, I reaffirmed my desire to stay positive and see the good, so while running errands on my first Monday morning in Grenada, I made it a point to be pleasant, smile, and demonstrate gratitude for people's help. 

To this day, I have yet to have an inherently bad experience with a Grenadaian (although I have seen a few happen to other people). For the most part, people often return a smile with a smile. (I know, I've got a long ways to go, but I'm hopeful that this trend continues.) 

I've gathered that a respect, kindness, and even a little southern charm go a long way.

So, in an effort to stay positive and redefine "TIG", I'm going to start using #tig to describe this… 

and this... 

and this... 

and this... 

and this...

and this...



Kari Pike said...

I love your attitude and I think you are spot on. I love reading your blog and FB posts and I am grateful to be able to keep connected. Granada is beautiful and while I am sure there are many challenges, what a blessing to be able to have this experience. Thanks for your lovely example. hugs~

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