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Friday, August 22, 2014

Dr. Ryan

I admire my husband. 

A lot. 

He's got a week of med school under his belt, and I can tell he is working very hard. 

Up until the start of school, he was exploring the island and the beauty of Grenada's beaches, now he's exploring the beauty of St. George's library. 

Now instead of talking multiple times a day, we talk maybe once a day and text when we have a moment. (I'm glad that we're both busy because it is definitely making the transition easier.) 

He is a pretty incredible man. He cooked and froze all of his meals for the week on Sunday, scheduled out his 7am to 10pm an entire week in advance, read ahead for his classes, and acclimatized to 100% humidity without air conditioning. 

Now... All Adi and I have to do is help with the meals and stay out of his way.

He is seriously going to rock this med school thing. 

It makes me so grateful that we made this decision together. Seeing each other for only an hour a day is definitely going to have its challenges, but I am thrilled for the joy and excitement along the process. 

Heck... Ryan even started asking me about the antibiotic I had been on months ago and started explaining how it works and what it does to a virus' DNA. 

I'm pretty sure he's like a kid in a candy store. 

Either way, we're praying for him every day. (Feel free to send your thoughts and prayers his direction whenever you think about it.)

I'm looking forward to joining him... 36 days from now... #grenadaorbust


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