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Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Earlier today our friends, Stacey and Steve, asked us if we wanted to come over to their house for dinner. It was incredibly sweet of them, and really a major blessing. Stacey always knows the ways to make lives more cheerful. (Life is crazy with moving, boxes, and getting Ryan set for his big embarkation (T-minus two days and six hours). Not to mention our renter moving in Friday afternoon.) 

When we got to Stacey's house, another neighbor, Misty, opened the door and her little girl, Cici, yelled, "Surprise!"

I thought it was just a little dinner with Stacey and Steve and their kids. Stacey had really planned a little going away party. It made us feel loved, appreciated, and really, really happy and sad at the same time! I hadn't been too emotional about leaving--life is full of adventures--but at that moment and a few other times throughout the night, I realized how sad I was to leave my sweet friends and neighbors here in Blackhorse.

It really goes to show that Heavenly Father has a plan when he places you in various circumstances throughout your life. I am so glad we bought our first home here and that Adi has had some of her firsts here: first group of friends, first bike, first smooches (not sure if that'a good thing, Stacey?!?). We sure will miss it, but we're excited that we'll have the same opportunities in Grenada.

I wanted to document the fun we had, so I snapped some photos...

The first thing I noticed were Misty's amazing decorations... 

And her amazing usage of #hashtags

At one point, Adam was giving us a hard time about the usage of a good hashtag and he said something like #imleaving to which Misty responded #dontletthedoorhityouonthewayout. 

Oh Misty is so clever! 


We were all dying! 

Misty's last effort to make us stay... 

We'll miss Lindsay and Mary Anne

And Bri (and Ada), Cassidy, and Stacey too... 

We'll miss Adam. He'll miss our amazing #hashtag wars, and he's already said that nursery (where he and Ryan serve together) just won't be the same without him. Apparently they had a system. It really warmed my little heart to hear Primary callings going well. 

Adi and Dani were getting Jenn's amazing cookies. (I had waayy too many.)

We finally got Cassidy to smile--Misty and I were a sight to be seen to get this.

Little Gavin wanted to join in the fun

Although at times it was hard. (: Misty and Kim made it fun! 

Sam, Dave, and Adam were chatting with... 

Steve who was watching some of the kiddos. (Oh my goodness Finn is such a cutie.)

Callen had fun with cars

And tiny Ada observed from the sidelines.

I'm pretty sure the only person not pictured anywhere is Anderson, who at age seven was an awesome photographer!

A little hand... 

It was hard to get everyone together... 

And for everyone to hold still long enough for a picture. 

Left to Right

Adam, Lindsay, Cassidy, Colton, Ryan, Misty, Jesse, Me, Stacey, Adi, Finn, Steve, Ellie, Mary Anne, Maisy, Matty, Kim, Benson, Grette, Gavin, Same, Ada, Jenn, Sam, Bri, and Jack. 

Not pictured: Callen and Anderson 


A huge than you to Steve and Stacey for hosting, and for making delicious chicken and to everyone else who brought yummy, yummy food. I look up to you and emulate each one of you! 

We have been incredibly blessed to have this amazing group of men and women in our lives. We hope our paths cross after med school and for eternities to come. 


Our Family

Our Family
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