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Friday, March 15, 2013

Am I Insane?

This past Saturday Ryan and I had our next-door neighbors over for brunch. We'd been meaning to get together with them since we moved in last May, and we finally did it. 

Ryan and I had a good time talking to the adults and older kids while Adi had the time of her life with Coral (a month older than Adi) and Vinny (a year older than Adi). They seriously are the cutest kids and cutest family. 

In our discussion, the topic of an Easter Egg Hunt came up and I said we should do one! I wanted to include a couple of our other friends with young children that live pretty close, but I worry about accidentally excluding someone, so... 

A neighborhood event it is!

I'm headed to Washington next week through the 26th... Am I insane?

(Here's to hoping there are a lot of kids and a lot of excited parents.)


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