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Thursday, May 17, 2012

$5.07, A Small Price to Pay

A couple of days ago, my older brother, my dad, and I were having a conversation about prayer. We were discussing what one should pray for and my dad--the wise one that he is--said "you should always pray to be the answer to someone's prayer."

Hum, interesting. And very insightful.

So, I tucked that away and went about my week.

Early this afternoon, that thought reemerged. I was on a quick trip to the store here in Provo to get a wedding gift. It was around lunch time and I was already in my car with the engine running when I saw a man collecting cans from a garbage can.

I hesitated, ready to drive away, but I didn't. I thought through it... what should I do? I shouldn't give him money. What else could I do? Food? I immediately thought about a box of granola bars in the store I had just come out of (they were 30 for $5), but that would be too heavy...

I hesitated.

Then, I prayed.

"Heavenly Father, please help me know what I should do."

Then it came to me.

I got out of my car, and walked towards him, still unsure of what to do exactly.

I hesitated, and as he walked past me I said, "excuse me sir," and as he turned around and made eye contact I asked him, "May I buy you lunch at Sonic?"

The look on his face was surprise, yet relief. I can't accurately describe it, but he said, "If you would like."

We walked through the parking lot together, and into Sonic. I encouraged him to get anything he wanted. He was so humble. Kind and gentle too. We chatted a little about what he does for work when he can get it and he even said at one point, "I pay my tithes and offerings, they're not much but I pay them."

He ordered a hot dog, onion rings, and a drink.

When his food came, I wished him well and walked back to my car.

As I sat down, I cried. I was so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to serve him. To learn about him. To love him as my Savior loves him. To know and feel what it is like to be a disciple of Christ.

And for $5.07, it was a small price to pay.


SRA said...

Great story. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

I got a little tear in my eye. Thanks for the inspiration and good example! :)

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