Then, NPR informed me of the truth--Venus and Jupiter are very bright and very close together! It was neat to hear this story after I saw them, then I saw them again last night. They were even bright enough for me to capture them (barely) on my iPhone.
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Friday, March 16, 2012
Planetary Tango
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The other day as I walked west out of our apartment, I saw two very bright stars very close together. It'd never seen it before, and I started to wonder if I'd always been wrong about where the North Star is.
Then, NPR informed me of the truth--Venus and Jupiter are very bright and very close together! It was neat to hear this story after I saw them, then I saw them again last night. They were even bright enough for me to capture them (barely) on my iPhone.
Then, NPR informed me of the truth--Venus and Jupiter are very bright and very close together! It was neat to hear this story after I saw them, then I saw them again last night. They were even bright enough for me to capture them (barely) on my iPhone.
Although this picture from is much more striking.
Tonight take a look at the Western Sky--it's beautiful. (:
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