I mentioned that in taking public transportation, I have seen some of the best and worst in people. I'm not saying this incident was the worst of humanity, but it was inconsiderate and annoying.
Despite the fact that all seats were occupied and the front of the bus was packed with people standing, for some reason this lady needed an extra seat. Frankly, I'm surprised someone didn't take it earlier, but she did make it difficult to access and gave hostile glares to passers by who may even have dared to take a glimpse at it.
When she finally consented to give the seat up, she asked the girl taking the seat, "Where are you going?" To which the girl replied, "Provo." (which happens to be the end of the line). The lady said, "Good. Because I want to sleep." She then spent the rest of her bus trip playing with the volume on her phone as the girl texted. I think she wanted to appear busy, and I wish she would have just slept instead of pretending to have something to do that was keeping her from her declared nap time.
I know that it was probably over the top to do some clandestine work, ie. taking a picture of her with my cell phone. I tried not to get her face, I just wanted to capture the situation. I also don't know why it bothered me so much - maybe because the ride was extra long due to traffic and a bus driver who had to slam on the breaks every time she came to a stop, or because I had missed the earlier bus by a few minutes and then had to wait an hour for the next one. Uggghh...
My husband also rides the bus most days. There are a few people whom I feel I know because of their reputation for certain annoyances. Not that he always complains, but if he does the story usually involves these people. I would much prefer these stories, as opposed to road rage stories. I know people get frustrated when commuting regardless the mode of transportation. I just wish they could read your blog and realize how silly they were really being!
so true!
I guess for now we can all look at ourselves and see how we can be more considerate to others.
Oh Ryancito, how long I rode the buses. I am sorry you have to feel that pain. Even more sorry you have to feel it so long each day.
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