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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Adi's 7 Month Post

I don't know how I end up writing these posts, I'm sure Kenz could do better. Things are still busy, and I have some time on the bus I can use to write, assuming the bus has wireless.
7 months and this little girl is just as busy as ever. I've decided that busy (although downright exhausting at times) is fun, and Adi is a lot of fun - when she's not tired, hungry, or teething, of course.

Anyway, here's us:

The typical goofy, self-taken photo.

And here's what Adi is up to:

Pulling herself up on everything.

Jibber jabbering (talking). We love to hear her talking in the back in the car seat. No real words yet, unless you count the times that she has repeated "yeah" or "hi", or when crying at Kenz's feet said, "maaaaaaaaaa...maaaaaaa".

Standing up by herself (14-second record).

Yes, I know this is not a picture of her standing up by herself.

Walking around using couches, tables, a stray box, you name it and she has tried to use it to walk around somewhere.

When not using something to stand up or walk, she's crawling or getting into something.

Last night she was pulling her books out of her book basket. She also likes to pull nicely folded clothes out of the bottom drawers.

Taking a step or two: She's especially brave on the bed for some reason. It's not the easiest place to try to walk, but I guess the trip down isn't as bad.

Signs "more" and "milk" when she's hungry.

Terrorizes grandma and grandpa's "ponies" (cats or dog depending on which grandparents' house she's at). *We hope she likes their animals, because we will never have a pet. We have even put in place safeguarding procedures to ensure that in moments of weakness, we will not succumb to owning anything with fur, feathers, or scales.

Clapping, smiling, and getting excited.

Laughing is becoming more of an occurrence (Not that we know how much giggling is "normal", but she's always been more of a smiler.)

Still trying to figure out the waving thing - she'll move her fingers a little and look at them.

Still one tooth and she is putting it to use (this is a tender subject for Kenz and it's probably best not to ask).

Gives her version of kisses, which usually involve slobber, and on rare occurrences a tooth mark. Her nose/Eskimo kisses are less dangerous.

She's trying to grow hair - she has a lot, but it's really light and not very long.

Adi likes other kids, and especially likes to play and follow around her 2 yr. old cousin. She's very social and a little flirt.

Her sleeping schedule leaves something to be desired. She's not bad most of the time, but there are nights when, well, we would be more than happy for her to have a sleepover with someone else. In all fairness, teething could be the main culprit regarding this subject.

She has learned to reach out to things she wants, people she wants to hold her, or if she wants to be held. (She's been doing this since before she was crawling, though.)

She's a little snuggle bug only when she's tired.

Adi loves to be outside.

She really likes to go on runs in the running stroller even though most of the time she's asleep for most of the run.


Shelly said...

Such a cute girl! Glad to hear she's doing so well.

Tim and Jennifer said...

Oh my you guys are adorable!

Melissa said...

It's amazing how in just 7 months, they learn SO much. She is such a smart, cute, little girl.
PS tell her that Leo misses her:)

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