On January 17, 2005 (yes, I know the exact date), I acquired a bad habit, an addiction if you will. And, over the past four years, I have collected friends. I have high school friends, freshman friends, RA friends, study abroad friends, school friends, friends-of-friends, church friends... you name them, I've got them.

However, a few weeks ago a friend wrote a blog post here about how to slowly eliminate unnecessary facebook friends.
I have taken her advice, and I am proud to say that I have gone from over 1200 facebook friends to 1027.
My name is McKenzie, and I am a recovering facebook addict. I have been purging for 3 weeks, 2 days, and 3 hours.
Hey, I just did a friend-purge tonight! (Yes, I was multi-tasking.) I'm down to 643 and quite proud of myself.
Oh, and I deleted you and Ryan. JUST KIDDING!
Class is great for multi-tasking.
Haha, this is the first step: admitting your problem. I too am addicted. :) I've even started to delete friends too that I have no idea who they are. Don't delete me though. :)
hey! After reading your post I went and did this too! it was very enlightening! :) Thanks for the great idea! I hope you and Ryan are doing great! :)
I've only been addicted since October so my problem is not as bad as yours...but what I will say is you CAN'T purge cousins! :)
You are too funny! I can't believe that you even had 1200 friends, I don't think I even know that many people. Do people know when you delete them as a friend? I should try it:)
I myself purged 50 of my 500 facebook friends a few months ago.
I'm glad to see that I survived the first few rounds of your cuts :)
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