In the past two weeks, I have felt these blessings in every aspect of my life.
While running errands a couple of weeks ago with Ryan and my mother-in-law, Jennifer, I mentioned that I needed a new handkerchief for the upcoming Draper Temple dedication. We looked at the options at the Distribution Center, but I was disappointed, so Ryan mentioned that I should try making one with Jennifer. Jennifer thought it was a great idea, so we went to Jo-Ann Fabrics, picked out some pretty sheer fabric and white lace, and went home to sew. I knew as soon as Ryan had mentioned the project that my mom would laugh. She is a great seamstress, but I have resisted learning every step of the way for twenty-two years. I laughed as I thought about what she would say, but went on. Jennifer helped me get started and although I just sewed two sides, this was the final project:
I was so proud of the finished product, and loved every detail, down to the embroidered "M". It was a lot of fun to make it, and helped me feel grateful for my extended family.
Last night, that gratitude was increased even more, when Ryan and I were able to attend the Draper Temple dedication with my parents and brother, Nathan. The moment I walked in the building, I felt the peace that one feels within the walls of the temple. I knew it was a sacred and holy place, and felt the presence of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
During the dedication I was touched by the sincere and powerful messages that were shared. I enjoyed the historical significance of the event itself as well as the songs and stories that were shared. The spirit of the Lord was powerful, and I was grateful that yet another temple was within our reach here in Utah. (How blessed I feel to be able to worship in His Holy House, especially when His House is so close!) The dedication brought back powerful memories of a Youth Conference a few years ago in which my stake held a Sacrament Meeting in the Kirtland Temple. As we closed that meeting we also sang "The Spirit of God". "The Lord is extending the saints' understanding—Restoring their judges and all as at first; The knowledge and power of God are expanding, The vail o'er the earth is beginning to burst." I knew then as a youth, and I knew last night that angels of the Lord, Jesus Christ were present and were singing praises to the Almighty God, and His Son, the Redeemer of Mankind. It was an incredible experience, and one that I hope to share with generations to come.
Thanks for your testimony, McKenzie. There's nowhere like the temple. The Church is a living organization, this recent dedication being one more manifestation.
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