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Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Second Step: Correcting the Problem
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Hello. My name is McKenzie, and I have a problem.
I am a recovering facebook addict, and I have been purging for 3 weeks, 3 days, and 6 hours.
And, over the past four years, I have collected friends. I have high school friends, freshman friends, RA friends, study abroad friends, school friends, friends-of-friends, church friends... you name them, I've got them. However, in the past few weeks, I have followed my friend's advice (you should definitely read it all here) about how to slowly eliminate unnecessary facebook friends.
I am happy and proud to say that I have gone from over 1200 facebook friends to only 600 friends! (Yes, only.)
And as an assurance to favorite cousins and friends. If you actually read this blog, I can guarantee that we are facebook friends because...
If I were in a grocery store; in the middle of some serious contemplation over your inner debate between Gala and Red Delicious and I spotted you perusing the potatoes, I would most definitely say hi. Definitely, because I know that you are not just some random high school acquaintance or one of those that-one-kid-I-had-that-one-class-with-a-few-years-ago types.
I am a recovering facebook addict, and I have been purging for 3 weeks, 3 days, and 6 hours.
And, over the past four years, I have collected friends. I have high school friends, freshman friends, RA friends, study abroad friends, school friends, friends-of-friends, church friends... you name them, I've got them. However, in the past few weeks, I have followed my friend's advice (you should definitely read it all here) about how to slowly eliminate unnecessary facebook friends.
I am happy and proud to say that I have gone from over 1200 facebook friends to only 600 friends! (Yes, only.)
And as an assurance to favorite cousins and friends. If you actually read this blog, I can guarantee that we are facebook friends because...
If I were in a grocery store; in the middle of some serious contemplation over your inner debate between Gala and Red Delicious and I spotted you perusing the potatoes, I would most definitely say hi. Definitely, because I know that you are not just some random high school acquaintance or one of those that-one-kid-I-had-that-one-class-with-a-few-years-ago types.
Our Family

It's confirmed, we are still friends! PRAISE! That was a close one. Great job! i think the idea of have to parse through that many names alone is reason enough to continue the addiction!
I am thoroughly impressed with your choice and am now inspired to do the same. :) I dunno if you kept me or not. My elementary school blocks facebook. But I'm not disappointed if you deleted me. I don't facebook much anymore. And I might as well get rid of the "friends" who aren't really friends anymore or people I barely know so that I can see updates from people I actually do know and care about.
So relieved I'm a real friend. But I guess family always counts, right?
I can't believe you had 1200 friends!!! I'm almost to 500- looks like I need to take lessons from you on how to "win friends and influence people".
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