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Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Letters

Dear Ryan, I miss you. The last forty-four days have at times felt like an eternity. I can't wait to see you, and am counting down the days and hours until I get to hug and kiss you, and even start life as a med-student widow. I am so incredibly proud of you and have been impressed at your dedication to your studies and leading our family. I am so grateful I get to spend eternity with my best friend and the person I love most; you just get me. Only two more weeks. Only two more weeks. I love you.

Love, Kenz

Dear Adrielle, I miss you! FaceTime just isn't the same when I'm pretending to be one of your little dolls. I love your imagination and spunk; the next two years are going to be so incredibly wonderful. I can't wait to explore learning with you and discovering the wonders of the ocean! I feel so incredibly lucky to be your mom; you are my mini me, and whether a blessing or a curse, I hope your vivacious nature never changes. I love you.

Love, Mama

Dear Self, Take a deep breath. The next two weeks are going to fly by--just focus on one thing at a time. Everything will work out and that ever-shrinking, to-do list will soon be a thing of the past. Don't mourn the past. Revel in change; change might be far better than what's at present. Now is the chance to change for the better. Wear your sunscreen, Chapstick, and bug spray. Give that hot man of yours a hug and kiss and have fun with that little girl. Only 14 days! 

Optimistically, Self

Dear BYU Football, It meant a lot to me that yesterday you commemorated September 11th. The helmets, field, and hand-held signs in the East stands we're great ways to show that we will. never. forget. Also, thank you for winning three in a row--despite the less-than -stellar second half of the second quarter. This team is always special, but I hope this is a special year. (We all hope.)

A big fan, McKenzie 


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