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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

One-Child Opportunities

So, Adi is an only child, which can present it's own set of problems, but it can also present a whole other set of opportunities.

This summer has been one of them.

Adi has been signed up for five sessions of swimming lessons--for 10 weeks! It makes me really happy that she's been working so hard, but I get sad sometimes because I don't get to take her. (It is really cute though to see my dad giving her hand signals of what to do while the teacher is working with other kids.)

The thing is... it's been such a great investment, because two weeks ago I saw her swim for the first time (I didn't know she could do that!?), float on her back for 20 seconds, and do the elementary backstroke and breaststroke.

We took her to get bubble gum ice cream to celebrate! 

It was pretty awesome.

The neatest thing about it is that three weeks ago she passed Preschool Level 4 and advanced to Level 2!

Level 2 is for kids ages 6-8!

She was a whole foot shorter than the other kids in her class, but she really grew as her teacher, Evan, helped her gain confidence in the deep end!

This session (for the next two weeks) she's in Level 2 again, and if she continues on the same path, she'll be in Level 3 for the first fall session before we head to Grenada!

I'm so excited she's become such a great swimmer!

Next stop: surfing in Grenada!


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