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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Is This Real Life?

Do you remember seeing the "David at the Dentist Clip" from a few years ago?

That's kind of how Ryan and I have felt over the past week...

We're moving to the Caribbean.

We're moving to the Caribbean?

We're moving to the Caribbean!


Last week was crazy. Literally.

One of the craziest ever.

Moving out, cleaning, packing, sending Ryan off to the Grenada, moving to my parents', getting our renters in. Whoa.

If it weren't for some amazing people from our ward and our families, it wouldn't have happened.

Seriously though, Stace, you were a life. saver. I'll owe you forever.

Stacey and Steve. We seriously love these two. Gorgeous. (our kids just need to grow up and get married already)

I didn't finish packing and cleaning until Friday (after Ryan was already gone) with more help from our families, but it was a whirlwind.

Evidence of the madness...

Everything we own in one 10x15 storage unit. 

Friday morning at 3:30am, Ryan, Jennifer, Adi, and I headed to the airport. Unknowingly, Ryan and I were both praying (pleading, begging, etc.) for one thing: that the bags would be the right weight.

He had three bags at 70 lbs a piece, and although we first weighed them in at 50-60 lbs a piece, there had been a lot of shuffling.

We got to the airport (Ryan had already checked in on his phone) and proceeded to check the weight of the bags.

68 lbs... yes!

70.10 lbs... umm...

75.00 lbs... yikes!

But, with a little shuffling (we were literally placing Ryan's oil canvases one by one on top of the suitcase) we got it down to a svelte 70 lbs exactly, 70 lbs exactly, and 69.50 lbs.

Seriously! There was not room for another granola bar or pen anywhere in his checked bags, carry on, or personal item (and heaven bless our new friends Laura and Jared for telling us a pillow didn't count, because that's where we hid some of the sheets)!

We got the bags squared away weight wise, but because of the embargo, we had to be escorted by our new friend American Airlines friend, Walt, to the desk to be checked in manually. (The desk agent seemed really annoyed with the fact that our bags were at exactly 70 lbs. She stared at it for ten seconds, willing them each to be over. I was thrilled that they were the right weight and beyond grateful!)

After that, Ryan came back to the car and wished us all good bye.

Ryan and Adi - 8/1/2014 - 4:00am 

Ryan and Adi - 8/1/2014 - 4:00am

It was a quick goodbye--we were all tired at 4:00am, but in a flash, he was off!

I stayed up texting Ryan until his flight took off at 6:00am, but I loved this iMessage later in the day that he sent from his Miami to Grenada flight...

"Warm nuts are the best thing about First Class" 

Love him.

Only 54 days until Adi and I join him!


Team Allen said...

let the adventure begin!! woohoo. Totally like dejavu reading your posts. I love them..and I am so so excited for your little family to experience this place. umm a pillow doesn't count?!!! Best idea ever to hide the sheets in there!!

Laura said...

Glad the pillow trick worked! We'll be stuffing some essentials into our pillow cases as well. Oh, and tell your husband thanks from us for being willing to pick up our apartment key--you guys have really been lifesavers!

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