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Monday, July 29, 2013

The Pink Convertible Bug

Yesterday morning, the Binx told us she was going to go for a ride in her "pink convertible bug" (I have a feeling that this little one is going to be even more of a handful as she gets older.) Just to get a better idea of what she was envisioning (it's all about setting expectations early, right?) we took a look at what was out there. 

We quickly passed over some of the more practical options (as if any pink convertible bug could be classified as 'practical') and immediately found her car. 

Fully loaded, pink accessories to the max.

Did I mention it had a make-up case in the trunk?

And remember that part about having our hands full when she grows up?

Luckily, I can have a convertible, too. 
A blue one.

And this was it. 
(Not too shabby, but I hope she's paying.)

Then, she went on to tell me which convertibles belonged to whom.

This was Papa's because it would go fast:

This was Grandma Jennifer's because she likes red and it's shiny:

This was Grandma Diane's because it was also red and shiny and she likes it:

This was Grandpa's because it was orange:

And this was mama's: 

Nice, but I think Grandma Jennifer got the better deal.


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