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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Life is Fragile

It's Tuesday morning and I'm grateful for life. I'm grateful for the Gospel. I'm grateful for a forever family.

Yesterday, less than 24 hours after our ward was created, tragedy struck when a sister from our ward died after complications from childbirth. While reports are mixed and varied, my understanding is that she had placenta previa, and complications occurred during surgery.

She is survived by her husband, six children including a new, tiny son, and countless family members, friends, and community members.

I say countless because since first hearing the news yesterday, Facebook has been a flurry of unity and outpouring of love and support for her and her family from all walks of life and throughout the community. She sounds like she is an amazing person. I'm sad that I didn't have the pleasure of knowing her in this life.

I'm sad too that her family will endure what my cousins endured three years ago. The loss of a sister. A daughter. A mother. A wife. This morning I was reminded of Sheri's death and how much she. is. missed., even after three years. I imagine that the sting will never truly be healed until we meet our maker.

I am grateful that families can be together forever. I know God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, and that through the Atonement all that is unfair in this life (even death) will be made right.


Our Family

Our Family
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