Dear Binx,
I love you so much.
The sun came out this week and you loved it. (You ran straight to the park from the car before we even had a chance to grab you on multiple occasions.)
I think you would live at the park if we let you.
Monday I took an impromptu day off, but before we left BYU you met my class.
You were shy, but friendly and even gave them your cheer "Blue and White, Fight, Fight, Fight" in your BYU cheerleading outfit. Go cougars!
I had book club this week and you charmed all my friends. (I think that quality time is definitely your love language.)
You are the best little buddy I could ever ask for.
I love you.
Love, your bestest buddy.
Dear Ryan,
You are seriously the most wonderful guy ever.
I couldn't have asked for a better husband and best friend.
Thank you for being so loving in every aspect of our marriage! You really do put other men to shame when you cook, clean, take care of Adi, go to work, buy me flowers, paint the walls, study for tests, and other million and one things you do regularly. Thank you.
You're on call for the Red Cross the next few days. I know you're just waiting to save the day. ;) Don't worry, we'll cheer for you.
You started writing your second attempt at a personal statement for med school this week. You are going to make one amazing doctor.
I love you so much. And I'm totally obsessed with you.
Love, your wifey.
Dear self,
What a busy week! What a great week!
Teaching is almost over for the semester (oh my goodness)!
Book club was a success!
We're almost to spring... almost.
And you're going to Washington next week.
Today you heard someone say something not so nice about a former student. You had defensive instincts and you stood up for him. Good for you.
By the way, you are one lucky girl. Adi and Ryan are the best.
Don't ever forget it.
Have fun this weekend and enjoy the little things, especially that little girl.
Go have fun "running" the Vineyard 5k with Adi. Who knows, you might surprise yourself
Love, self.
A week in the life of us...
1) Rootbeer floats
2) Excitement at the mall
3) Feeding the ducks on the Provo River Trail
4) Snuggle time
5) Play date with Coral and Vinny
6) The Provo Temple
7) Grandpa and Adi sharing treats
8) Nate, Austin, and Adi on the morning Kostia flew to California
9) Lunch at Station 22 with Shiloh
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