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Tuesday, April 17, 2012
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Each time I come to Washington, I feel a pang of sadness.
I grew up here and it's my town, and yet for the most part, people I know forget that.
It happens though, right? You have good memories, when you come back you expect a lot of the same and places change, people change.
I try to not live in the past, so I'm always so happy to build new memories. It's hard though to build the same kind of memories when it's just me. No parents, no brothers, not even Ryan the past few times.
But, there is one amazing person who always makes it the best experience ever.
Laura was one of the absolute first people I met in Virginia. We were on spring break in 2000 and her mom saw us--a visiting family of six--sitting on the back pew. She made it a point to introduce herself and her incredible family.
I should have known then, that with Laura, it would be a life-long friendship.
We have had some fun times together. Sleepovers, early-morning seminary, youth conference, Homecoming, Laura geeping at the missionaries ;), movies with foot-long subway sandwiches in our hoodies... and that was just high school.
Then came BYU. I was sad to head out to BYU a year before Laura, but then she came to visit. And then she came out for college. And we had sleepovers, took Econ 110 from Kearl together (we both agree that class was a big mistake), and lounged by the Enclave pool.
Too bad she stole Tyler's heart, and she moved to Rexy-Rex to finish.
Then she treked back to Virginia.
Laura is pretty much amazing. She's gorgeous, smart, funny, and has the cutest little family.
Because Laura lives in the VA, I got to see her twice this past weekend! Once at the Gala where we paled around and then in A-town.
When she found out I was in town, she invited me over to her house to crash hang out before church. She even made de-li-cious crepes (well, Tyler helped too...) with spiced apples. Yum.
It was during our awesome conversation--it was awesome because we are awesome--that I realized how great Laura really is and how grateful I am to have her as a friend. She is a great wife and mother. She is down-to-earth and absolutely beautiful. She's one of the kindest people I've ever met and she makes you feel like you're the most important person in the world. And she's an amazing example.
So, although places change and people change, Laura will always be my "girl friend."
Here's to you Laura-Laura!
Our Family

I think Laura is pretty amazing, too. Sorry I missed you on Sunday! We were celebrating George's dad's Birthday. Glad you had a fun time in VA!
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