Woman praying or Spanish conquistador?
Marvin J. Ashton once put this concept into perspective beautifully, and I try my best to take it to heart each time I want to create my own context: "Charity is expecting the best of each other." Honestly, most of the time I fail initially and then have to backtrack. I have to take myself out of the situation and think it over, perhaps with a clearer mind and perspective. Try to see things from another perspective or ask what that perspective might be.
"Perhaps the greatest charity comes...when we simply give each other the benefit of the doubt or remain quiet." - Marvin J. Ashton
It is in the quiet moments of unpassing judgement when we might be able to seek a better context and arrive at the truth.
This blog is an open book of our lives, thoughts, struggles, and dreams. It is our context; imperfect and sincere. We learn from experiences and write about them. By having our thoughts open to the public, we realize there is room for interpretation of these experiences (and I acknowledge this post is especially open to interpretation).
Some readers may relate to our experiences, others may not. We may think differently, or have different beliefs. This is perfectly acceptable: to each their own. Take what we present here for what it's worth. We may rant or vent about current frustrations, or we may share insights based on past frustration or experiences. Readers may or may not agree, they may take offense or they may take comfort. Regardless of viewpoint, conjecture, or self-projection, the ultimate goal is mutual understanding.
Let that give some context to our experience.
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