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Saturday, November 26, 2011
Day 2: Jesus the Christ
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When I was eight years old, I made a decision to be baptized. My father, who held the priesthood, baptized me in the name of Jesus Christ.
To my eight-year-old-mind, it may not have taken the level of significance that it ought to have. But, in retrospect, I have discovered that the faith of a child, coupled with the knowledge that Jesus is the Christ provide opportunities to honor Christ and His sacrifices.
Today's invitation is to Covenant; find ways that you can bring honor to Christ's name by letting the walk of your life exemplify Him. Reflect on that name that describes the Savior and how He blesses your life.
I know that Jesus is the Christ, the Holy one of Israel and the Savior for whom the world waited. As I think about how that blesses my life, I am eternally grateful that I know and understand the necessity for and the role that Jesus has and continues to play in the Plan of Salvation. It is difficult to comprehend the love that He must have for each of us. Praise be to God for His Holy Son.
"As I have loved you, Love one another.
This new commandment: Love one another."
Our Family

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