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Monday, October 10, 2011
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Yesterday Ryan and I were going to make a pie, but happened upon a sugar cookie recipe. We decided to pull out our cookie cutters and go to work. I will not describe how much sugar or oil was in the dough, but let's just say when I was eating it the thought "I'm eating butter and sugar" came to mind.
The dough was a little difficult to deal with, until we realized "chilled" basically meant "slightly frozen".
But, they were yummy.
Halfway through the frosting recipe, we realized we were out of powdered sugar, so Austin and Bri came by to save us and doctorate with us.
Adi liked the cookies, although she was on a serious sugar overload last night.
Austin documented the process, apron and all.
Ryan whipped together some delicious frosting.
We used orange cream cheese frosting and orange sugar crystals...
And some black gel icing. Muahahaha.
Austin and Bri decorating... and saving the day!
Here's to fall fun!
Football game: check!
Decorating cookies: check!
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