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Thursday, March 24, 2011
It's Not Every Day... I LOVE My Job. :)
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When Ryan and I returned to Utah, I was surprised by the reactions of some. Many were supportive, but other comments referred to our decision as inferior because it took us away from Washington. In all honestly, it left me insecure. I had worked extremely hard during my undergraduate and graduate careers to build a strong DC network foundation, and had been successful in placing a lot of students. I didn't worry too much because we were following inspiration, but this week, I had a neat experience that solidified the importance of our decision.
A couple of days ago I got a phone call from a recruiter with the Boy Scouts of America. I had picked up the phone on speaker, and wasn't expecting much more than a request for the date of the Career Fair... little did I know...
He began by introducing himself as a representative from the BSA and mentioned that he had recently been at the BSA annual shareholders meeting. "I was sitting next to a man named... Tom Monson."
This is when I looked at the phone and picked up the receiver. I clarified, Thomas Monson?
And he said yes. The conversation then went something like this...
"Tom mentioned your language programs and told me to get in touch with you... I promised him I would contact you." "September 28th? Same day as University of Florida, I'll definitely want to make it to Brigham Young." "What a sweet guy... the sweetest guy... just like my grandpa."
Can I say wow? It's not every day that the Prophet of God refers a recruiter to your office.
Needless to say, I said that we would do everything in our power to accommodate his needs and preferences. You never know, he may report back to his good friend, Tom. :)
This experience solidifies the importance of the work that I do with students. It helps me feel even more valued professionally and personally and makes me want to be a better counselor!
Here's to helping students lead meaningful lives and building the Kingdom through education.
A couple of days ago I got a phone call from a recruiter with the Boy Scouts of America. I had picked up the phone on speaker, and wasn't expecting much more than a request for the date of the Career Fair... little did I know...
He began by introducing himself as a representative from the BSA and mentioned that he had recently been at the BSA annual shareholders meeting. "I was sitting next to a man named... Tom Monson."
This is when I looked at the phone and picked up the receiver. I clarified, Thomas Monson?
And he said yes. The conversation then went something like this...
"Tom mentioned your language programs and told me to get in touch with you... I promised him I would contact you." "September 28th? Same day as University of Florida, I'll definitely want to make it to Brigham Young." "What a sweet guy... the sweetest guy... just like my grandpa."
Can I say wow? It's not every day that the Prophet of God refers a recruiter to your office.
Needless to say, I said that we would do everything in our power to accommodate his needs and preferences. You never know, he may report back to his good friend, Tom. :)
This experience solidifies the importance of the work that I do with students. It helps me feel even more valued professionally and personally and makes me want to be a better counselor!
Here's to helping students lead meaningful lives and building the Kingdom through education.
Our Family

It's great to feel appreciated, needed and loved in the career part of our lives...especially when half the time we want to be home with our babies:) You are amazing!
isn't that fun to be separated only by one step to the prophet? He was talking to the same guy, and you got to help him! way cool!
That is AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing that.
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