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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Life is Good.

This morning after I left my house, as I went through the motions of the morning humdrum and the already-dull commute, a few things stuck out to me...

1) As I approached the escalator to descend into the metro at the Pentagon, I saw a plane landing at National pass the Washington monument and a waving flag. I became lost in my thoughts on patriotism and how grateful I was to live in this wonderful, opportunity-rich nation.

2) About two minutes later--at the bottom of the escalator--a soldier entered the building and removed his hat. Once again I became lost in my thoughts on patriotism and how grateful I am to be protected by men and women who cross oceans to protect this wonderful, opportunity-rich nation.

3) Finally, as the train cross over the river, I noticed two crew teams on the Potomac. I became lost in my thoughts on opportunities and the rich diversity we enjoy even when it comes in the form of sports, from football to crew and everything in between. Again, I realized how grateful I am to live in this wonderful, opportunity-rich nation.

As I noticed these things, my day got a little brighter and I felt more appreciative. I noticed good qualities in others and realized how grateful I am to my Father in Heaven for the opportunity to be in this new adventure with my sweet daughter and wonderful husband.

Life is Good.


Adi said...

Having to share the almost exact commute, I go through that process all the time.
As you cross the bridge, you will also notice what people often miss. all at the same time you can see the Jefferson, Washington, Arlington and The White House all at the same time. That will get ya.

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