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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tiki Got Ideas...

The in-laws have a cat that looks somewhat like the cat below. Her name is Tiki, and she gets what I like to call, "ideas."

These ideas include trying to claw, bite, and eat people (especially me). I frequently tell her, "Tiki, don't get any ideas," which has become somewhat of an inside joke in the family.

Well, for my birthday, Tiki got an idea all over the paper wrapping my gift.

It had to have been one of the best ideas that Tiki has ever had (and my mother-in-law). It was hilarious to see the red paw prints all over the paper with the cryptic handwriting. I meant to write about this earlier, and I cut out the paper and saved it specifically for the purpose of taking a picture and putting it on the blog because I liked it so much. So, here's to Tiki getting ideas.


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