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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Blogging or Bragging?

One complaint about blogs is that they become a forum through which individuals brag about their perfect life, perfect children, perfect--well--everything.

Although that is not our life, I did want to acknowledge a true feat of Ryan's.

Many of you know that Ryan started the MPA program mid-year. What many of you may not know, is that Ryan is essentially skipping a semester and finishing the four-semester program in three. The upside: less time in school, less tuition, etc. The downside: three-semesters of 20+ credit semesters, late nights, and stress. Lots of stress.

This semester Ryan took 21.5 credits and worked as a research assistant. He worked hard to balance his time with teams, work, family (me), and taking time for himself. What went first? The taking time for himself. Ryan--who is an avid runner--spent most of his time indoors this past semester and didn't take the time for himself, something I hope he resumes this next semester during his "light" semester.

However, today all of the hard work, late nights, and stress paid off when grades were posted...

Even with everything else, Ryan succeeded in achieving a 3.75! Something I could never achieve under the circumstances.

I am so proud of him, and grateful that I married a hard-working, ambitious, and incredible man. I love you Ryan!


Meg said...

Wow, I'm amazed. Great job Ryan. I only took 15.5 credits and still couldn't manage to pull an A off in Econ. Way to go.

The Walkers said...

Thats so awesome! Good for him. I'll bet it feels great to have that over with and the grades posted! Who knew letters could be such a wonderful reward.

kelli said...

Wow. An incredible feat indeed. Congratulations, Ryan! That's AWESOME.

P.S. I'm excited to see you guys tomorrow! I'm hoping to be able to make it to the reception :)

Alison Rae said...

Great job Ryan! You both are so amazing and I love you!

Ruth said...

That's pretty amazing. Way to go!

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