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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our Crouton Budget: A Tribute to an Incredible Friend

Long post, but incredibly worth reading!

Two years ago I met one of the greatest people I know:


Erin worked for the Rules Committee in 2007 when I interned for Senator Bennett. She became a quick friend and I enjoyed getting to know her on our lunch excursions and by tagging along at the Intern Lecture Series.

At the end of my internship each office threw a going away party, but I must admit that the Majority office showing was better, bar-none. I had gotten to know them so well outside of the 'work' that we did together, that it had provided the opportunity to gain some friends and skills (Carol, one of the women in the Majority office taught me how to make jewelry that summer).

At the end of my internship, Erin, probably one of the nicest people I have ever met, gave me the most amazing present anyone had ever given me: a bound children's book about my internship--with pictures, captions, and everything! It was the neatest thing to show my family and friends, and sits on my bookshelf, a visible reminder of my internship and a wonderful friend... The thing is, that isn't all she gave me! She gave me two amazing jewelry books! Really, so incredibly thoughtful! (It makes me want to be a better, more observant friend!)

Erin and I kept in contact over the course of the rest of my time at BYU, and always made me feel important, especially when an adorable singing card "Congratulations, Congratulations, you're very, very, very smart!" showed up in the mail with a gift card for my college graduation. (Something Erin doesn't know is that although most people wouldn't know what they had actually spent their cards on, I remember that that card came at the most wonderful time! I almost had enough money to buy this piece of artwork that I had wanted for a long time...

"Amaranthine" By: Robert Boyd
(Picture of the facade of the Salt Lake Temple)

...and with that card, I was finally able to buy one of the most meaningful picture that hangs on our walls at home.)

The thing is, the story goes on! She really is one of those special people sent into your life to make you better and remind you of the things that are really important. When she heard that Ryan and I were getting married, she was the first to wish us well, and sent a gift across the country! Who does that? No one else had, but Erin did.

So, when we found out we were coming back to Washington, Erin was one of the first people we told, and one of the reasons we were so excited. I was really excited for Ryan to finally meet Erin and get to know her.

When we got to Washington, I surprised her at her office, and finally got to introduce her to Ryan before we went out to dinner... which is one of our favorite things to do. So far we've had some delicious meals at some of the Metro DC's greatest restaurants, including tonight at The Hard Times. It was so much fun... but this finally brings me to the punch of the post...

As many of you know, I received a speeding ticket on our way through Indiana. It became an inside joke between Ryan and I that 'there goes our crouton budget." Tonight, our original plan had been to eat BBQ chicken sandwiches here at home with Erin, but because of a misunderstanding between Ryan and I, we decided to go out to Alexandria. But, come to find out, Erin had brought a dinner gift...

...sparkling grape juice and Croutons!

She is so incredibly thoughtful (it's kind of ironic because Ryan really wouldn't let me buy croutons the other day)! I hadn't expected her to bring anything--it was enough to see her and spend time with her.

Here's to Erin, she's gorgeous, kind, smart, funny, and heck she went to public schools, what's not to love?!


kelli said...

Oh man. Friends like that are hard to find! Hold on to that one :) She sounds amazing!
And what inspiration to BE a good friend! I need to be more thoughtful and observant... Thanks for sharing, Kenz :)

Becky said...

Sorry this is just a comment on your comment, but Noah actually isn't from Castle Dale. He's from Chicago. His mom grew up there so she probably knows them and was out here visiting. That's cool that you actually know where it is. No one knows where Castle Dale is, you are one of the privileged few. :)

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