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Sunday, January 25, 2009
Refrain: Fannie and Freddie
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While we were in Ashburn today, we chatted with a couple close friends who work for Freddie Mac, and you know what, I feel bad for them. Why does the government get to control everything when there are willing and able individuals and investors waiting to repay debts and stabilize industries. If you are reading this - yes YOU - next time you go to say something bad about Fannie or Freddie, consider this: there are good people just like you working for those companies. They are family men and women who have children in college and diminishing 4o1Ks. They are good at what they do, and deserve the same loyalty and respect that we would give anyone else. So, next time you go to objectify and exploit Fannie and Freddie, know that it could be you.
Yes, there are good qualified people who work at these companies, unfortunately there are also irresponsible greedy people who were and possibly still are working there, they are the reasons all the others have to suffer. It's sad that the decisions and greed of a few make life for so many thousands and hundreds of thousands of people miserable, but in the end the company acted irresponsibly and until they begin to act responsibly they deserve the criticism.
thanks mckenzie! my husband works for fannie (we've always thought of freddie as "brand x." we know and love the freddie people though!) anyway, mark's been there for 15 years and the people he works with are "good people" too!
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