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Sunday, January 27, 2013

[January] Life According to My iPhone

I'll admit. I have been terrible about blogging the past couple of months.

I'm blaming it on the post-holiday blues and the horrible weather. I'll try and work my way back in--especially since we are quickly approaching our 1,000 post! Wow.

Anyway, I thought I'd give a few insights into life lately...

Some seriously wild weather including a bout of freezing rain... 

Some snowflakes and snowmen there...

Getting organized for three of the four classes I'm teaching this semester (!) and having someone (the culprit has yet to identify his or her self) remind me that it's good to be queen.... 


Happy birthday treats for my GRB and proof of caffeine on BYU campus with Miss Shiloh... 

Adi hiding here... and Adi hiding there...

Adi bowling here... and Adi bowling there... 


Some quality cousin time... 

Rapunzel breakfasts and Sunday-afternoon naps... 


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