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Thursday, April 26, 2012
Buyer's Remorse
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As a reward for being fully potty trained, Ryan and I took Adrielle to Build-A-Bear to pick something out. In the past, she had wanted to take a look and had shown interested before, but I knew we wanted to save it for a special occasion.
That was my mistake.
I should have known the moment we walked in the store that we should save it for another time. She was busy, naughty, and not very interested. It took some warming up, but we convinced her to pick one. She like a pink bear, a fox, but most of all she liked the stroller that was in the store.
After a tantrum involving hiding the stroller, she finally chose a cat stuffed animal and we went to work...
She helped fill it, put a heart inside, washed it, and with some patience, prodding, and help named it.
Then came the question... do we put clothes on it?
No. A collar?
Perhaps. Okay, yes.
Then Adi found a dog on skateboards. And that's what she wanted. And that's what we bought.
I had no idea what we were getting into until I heard the total.
Oh. My. Goodness.
I told Ryan that this cat would last for 100 years, last through great grandchildren, and that it would never (and I meant never) get sent to DI no matter how raggedy. Ever.
The process was fun and the responses and looks "oh she's so cute" in the mall after we left were true... but seriously? I could have bought a real, live cat for that much.
Here's documentation of the fun...
Step 1 - Sound
Step 2 - Fluff
Step 3 - Wash
Step 4 - Take Jazzy On a Walk/Home
Our Family

Geez! When I first read this the title of this post I thought, "Geez! I hope it's not the house!" Thanks for the warning about build-a-bear:)
Thanks for the warning, and I'm glad you weren't talking about the house!
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