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Friday, March 23, 2012
Friday Letters
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Dear Binx,
You were so stinkin' cute this morning.
I love how you call BYU "bayou".
I also love how you hold my cheeks and say "yook at me".
I'm lucky to be your mama!
I'm going to miss you so much next week.
Be good for Grandma and I hope to find you something fun. (:
Your mama.
Dear sweetheart,
What an amazing week we've had.
Can you believe it!?
It's nice that luck (or something else ;) is on our side.
Gonna miss you next week, but can't wait 'till our hot IMAX date tomorrow.
By the way, your the cutest guy I know.
Good luck with your hard tests this week, you'll ace 'em.
Your supportive wife.
Dear Self,
You can do hard things! See?
Keep working on the healthy baking, it's delicious.
This next week is going to be tough, especially with constant temptation.
But remember, you can do hard things!
A friendly warning, your legs are lilly-white, don't be alarmed.
Get some sun and keep sun screen close by.
This time next week you'll have an official vitae. How cool is that?!
A happy, lucky, and very excited self.
Our Family

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