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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sealing the Deal

Today I was looking for a specific picture online when I came across Ryan's facebook album titled "Christmas Break 2007-08!" It brought back so many memories and I realized today marked four years to the date that Ryan flew to Tucson to meet my family for the first time.

While the rest of the story is history (: that trip to Tucson was what sealed the deal, or that's at least what Ryan told me later. Apparently, he looked over at me while driving my parent's beautiful car and thought... oh wow, she's amazing, fabulous, gorgeous, yadda yadda... I love her. (Maybe we should have Ryan retell the story.)

After looking at the pictures online, it certainly looks like we had a pretty good time... I mean Cacti, Biosphere, Mexico, La Roca, La Virgen... and Antlers?

Here's to an eternity of remembering and creating new memories. Hopefully some day we'll be able to take Adi to Oro Valley and Nogales. (:


Wild animals.

Own risk?

Wild animals?

See Ryan and me?

Biosphere, Bioqueer... (a story for another time.)

La virgen.

Nate and I at La Roca in Nogales. (Nate would have been 14, so little!)

Pretty lights!

Exciting New Year's Festivities!

(Supposedly this was one of the moments where he fell in love with me. :)

Antlers? (And Nate's analysis...)

"We find this rare specimen in its native habitat. These beauts were almost driven to extinction because of over hunting. You can see the definitive large antlers of a adolescent male on this one. I'd say he's about a 12 point with those. Not bad for one his age. Its hard to see but if you look closely you can see his antenna is a bit damaged, a sigh that competition got fairly rough this mating season."

-Nate "The Antlers Hunter"-
Photo courtesy of Ryan (2008)


Carbonneau said...

you always have a place to stop in Marana and eat or sleep or just hang out! :)

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