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Sunday, November 6, 2011
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Last year, Halloween was disappointing. While it snowed in Utah County it rained cold, cold rain in Farmington. We didn't really go trick-or-treating, we only stopped at a couple houses to show Adi off.
This year was different.
Adi has changed soooo much in a year and has grown up so much!
About a month ago, while shopping at the mall, Adi saw a cat headband. After that moment, we knew what Adi wanted to be for Halloween.
So, we bought her a black outfit and the ears and my mother-in-law made her a black tail.
Voila! Cat.
Cutest kitty ever.
Halloween night, Adi, Ryan, and I met up with our friend Teri and her son Hunter. Adi and Hunter a couple months apart, so we thought it would be fun to go trick-or-treating together.
Adi and Hunter getting ready to leave...
And dancing in their outfits!
Adi's not so sure about this...
It's "GO" time!
We headed out in my parent's neighborhood and trick-or-treated with the kids for two hours! Hunter was frightened of vampires, ghosts, and other scary things... so, so, so cute. Adi a little too interested in the candy for her own good.
The first couple of times, we taught the kids to knock and say trick-or-treat. Cutest thing ever. Halloween is a lot more fun when you have kids to take trick-or-treating!
About an hour into it, we stepped on a large estate in my parent's neighborhood and I had a completely surreal moment. Someone else trick-or-treating had said that the neighborhood was something you might see on a "Lifetime" movie. Walking onto that property I realized I was in my own personal lifetime movie. Picture this movie setting: dusk; upper-middle class neighborhood where everyone knows each other by first name, well-lit sidewalks, small children and parents hand-in-hand strolling up long driveways, older children racing to the doors, "Trick-or-treat" followed by "Thank you Mrs. Stewart." Really. It happened just. like. that. And I loved it.
Needless to say we had a fabulous time, stayed out way too late, and ate way too much candy. (Oh that Starburst was worth it.)
Here are some highlights of the night's shenanigans.
Teri and Hunter and Adi and Ryan at the very first house!
Here we go!
Independent. Pros.
More! More! More! (Please of course.)
Scary pumpkins!
Yummy candy!
Yay for fabulous candy-filled holidays!
Our Family

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