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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Turn-around Twenty

This week, I spoke with a friend who (in passing) had mentioned that she and her husband had turned her daughter's car-seat around... So, knowing her daughter is younger than Adrielle, I asked when they turned it. She said that when her little girl hit 20 lbs, they pulled the big switcheroo...

My understanding was that it was 20 lbs and 1 year old, but I guess it can be 20 lbs or 1 year old... 

So, today (exactly two weeks shy of Adi's first birthday)... drumroll please...

We turned Adi's car-seat around! This is such a relief, because she hates the car-seat and fights us every time we put her in it. But, so far so good now that she can see us.

Fingers Crossed.


Andrea said...

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is 20 lbs. AND 1 year. That said, I've never ever followed the rule. My 4.5 month old is (as of today) 18 lbs. 10 oz. In no time he will be over 20 lbs. It will be time for a new carseat and regardless of the rule, I'll turn him around. I always feel a little nervous breaking the rule, but it's just the way things go around here. I love a forward facing kid!

Thompson Family said...

Just don't get pulled over! Cops can be unforgiving on that one.

Alicia said...

Yup. It is 20 lbs AND 1 year old. We had to switch Jon around early because he was kicking and moving his carseat facing backwards. I figured that couldn't be safe if he was moving it. I think we'll be able to keep Kara facing backwards longer, but Adi sure is cute!

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