Exhibit A: Crawling around, climbing and standing on anything she can.

Exhibit B: In addition to crawling and standing up on everything, she likes anything we are working on, or anything that could be potentially dangerous. She likes to put these things in her mouth. Nothing on the floor or at her grasp is safe.

Despite her ability to constantly keep us on our toes and the teething - she can wear us out sometimes - she is only becoming more and more fun and is a joy to have around. She is increasingly curious, cute, vocal, happy and smiley. We love our baby girl!
With every passing day we are amazed at the things she figures out how to do. Just this past weekend she was feeding herself Nestle puffs. (We may have tried one or two ourselves.)

At her 6-month appointment, the doctor said she would by walking for sure by 8-9 months. She has attempted to stand by herself multiple times, the longest being 3-4 seconds. Heaven help us.
what a cutie! Our oldest was running at 9 months, it is SO CUTE to see a baby walk so early, good thing! cause they sure are trouble!!!
I can't believe her eyes in those close up pictures! They are beautiful! She has grown up so much!
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