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Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Conservative Talk
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So, it's been a while since I last went off on a political rant, or some opinion on an issue like the fact that most English speakers don't know that not all r's in Spanish are rolled - that's for Doug Wright today. We've been busy blogging about the baby and other events - aka school. (Which will continue - sorry to those who don't care, but if you don't care, don't read. Really, it's simple. Skip over what you don't care about and read what you want, it's your choice.) I don't know if it really matters to anyone, but commenting on issues helps me form an opinion and I often find myself understanding both sides.
Anyway, back to good ol' Doug Wright and conservative talk radio. They're all starting to bug BIG time.
Not only did Doug use the lame excuse that he can't roll his r's after failing to pronounce El Observador correctly (Really, he should have simply admitted he didn't speak Spanish, it's okay.), his little rant today on HB113 was agonizing to listen to. It was a good 10 minutes into the rant when he actually got to any sort of point rather than enumerate every single minute detail of what insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, children, cats, and puppies must think about how terrible it is to not put your child in a booster seat. Now, I am not well versed in the changes to the bill which are currently being presented on Utah's Capitol Hill, and I do agree that children's safety should be a concern for regulation. But really. Do I need to listen for half an hour for Doug to get to some sort of point, and then listen to the same scripted crap all morning? Doug needs to fill his time with meaningful dialogue rather than enumerating who else could possibly care about booster seats before further weakening his argument by actually making one.
I switched stations, only to listen to this guy...
Glenn Beck.
Okay, I can handle Glenn sometimes, more than I can Limbaugh or Hannity anytime. Glenn is a little over emotional, which is just plain weird and comes across as being insincere and ridiculous. But really, what has happened to these people? Did I miss the psychotic transformation of these somewhat rational representatives of conservative issues into crazy talking heads who fight over every little discrepancy in opinion as they criticize, otherize, and demonize anyone with a slightly different view point? Even Dr. Laura is getting a little too nasty. It reminds me of the Democrats when Bush was president.
Really, we all need to work together and talk about the issues if anything productive is going to happen. That means bipartisan efforts, and getting past party politics. Yes, Republicans and Democrats have both abused power when they had it, and everyone has hurt feelings. But get over it. What hope do we really have for our nation if we can't even talk to each other or work together?
Yeah, it's getting a little crazy. But, have you listened to Air America? It really isn't that much better. It's sad that there can't be any civil dialogue between parties based on the issues. There are very few people, especially in the media, that I think still represent that.It would be nice to see some policy makers instead of some "opinionators" and "criticizers."
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