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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tales of a Pregnant MPA - The Rhetorical Question

I know this post might bore some to tears, but I know that it will cause others to cry from laughter. And, despite the audience, this serves our semi-journal, so I thought I might post a few of my tales of pregnancy... for posterity's sake.

Last week my little brother, Nate, said something really funny. I don't even remember what he said, all I know is that it was one of those "you had to be there" moments.

That wasn't the best part. After his comment, I made some comeback, you know, something sassy, and I thought it was so funny (my comment that is) that I started laughing. Hysterically. I was laughing so hard that I started crying. I'm not just talking a glistening tear, I'm talking the works. While I was crying, my tears became so crazy that my mood did a 180... and I was the saddest I'd ever been in my life! I was sobbing! I was gasping for air and sobbing! Now, it doesn't make any rational sense, I know. Ryan and Nate thought I was still laughing, but when they realized that I was crying, they just stared. Ten seconds later I was back to normal and horrified about what had just happened. Why is it that you body and your brain don't work together? (That's a rhetorical question.)

The second story is just as good. Yesterday, I was sitting with Ryan and our friend Greg in the MPA lounge at the Tanner Building. It was a little after lunch and about 30 minutes before class. I turned to Ryan and said that I wanted sugar. Dessert, you know? I mentioned chocolate covered cinnamon bears (one of my all-time favorites) and thought I would run to the vending machine before class to grab something. I mentioned sugar a couple more times in the next ten minutes. Then, our friend Paul came into the lounge. He turned around and he was holding a HUGE clear plastic bag full of chocolate--good chocolate--a massive Toblerone. I saw him and the chocolate and I started hyperventilating. I had a full-on panic attack and started crying (this was more like a slew of glistening tears). Ryan and Greg whipped their heads around to see what I was fixated on, and another friend said, "get the pregnant lady some chocolate". Needless to say, I was embarrassed, and again horrified about what had just happened. Again, why is it that you body and your brain don't work together? (That's a rhetorical question.)


Elizabeth said...

^_^ Awesome stories! I was SO convinced that I didn't have any cravings during my pregnancy - though my desire for sweets was actually LESS than it is normally. After giving birth, I realized that asking to eat grilled ham and cheese sandwiches EVERY DAY for 6 months is definitely a craving, even if the actual food isn't a weird combination no one else would like.

Nicole said...

I excited that you're having a girl! They truly are the BEST and I love her name too. She's going to be one very lucky girl! You're stories made me laugh McKenzie. You're too cute, and pretty soon those mood swings will be replaced with a sweet baby. It will be worth all the embarrassment. :)

Shan said...

Those are some pretty good stories! Hang in there!

Carbonneau said...

I too have gone from laughing to absolute sobbing, gasping for air, blowing of nose kind of Funny only after the fact. :) Hang in there! and enjoy it and keep blogging about it! :)

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