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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Note to Self: Cultural Experience

Well, week 3 of my internship has past, and today Ryan and I are moving to The Hill! We are so excited to be in the city and not have to drive! But... that is for another post. This post is dedicated to our Cultural Experience last night.

My 'buddy' at work offered Ryan and I some tickets to see some Opera. I thought it sounded interesting and cultural, but never having been to an Opera, I didn't know what to expect. I was however, optimistic. Ryan, not so much. He didn't want to go, but did it for me.

The concert was held at the Library of Congress, and when we got there, I started to make subtle observations about the audience. 1) Most people were older (and when I mean older, I mean 70s) 2) There were a lot of gay couples (about 1/4 or so of the audience) and 3) There were only 2 younger couples in the audience (and we were only of them).

The performer came out, and immediately I was startled. To give you an idea of what we experienced, I have attached a link to a clip...

Watch Carole Farley and the Cultural Experience Here

Needless to say, it was definitely not something we would do again, and we left at intermission. It was interesting, but not our cup of tea.

I guess I need to be more judicious in my selection of culturally enriching entertainment. Note to Self.


kelli said...

Hmm... The link didn't work for me. But, given the demographics of the audience, and your reaction, I'll believe your assessment! And how polite of you to wait till Intermission. I probably would've just peaced out as soon as I realized I hated it. haha

So if 1/4 of the audience was gay, but you were only 1 of 2 young couples, does that mean there was a whole bunch of 70 year old gays and lesbians? Cause that would be an interesting sight..! ;) Or did you just mean only l of 2 young straight couples?

Shan said...

I couldn't click on it from BYU, so that must be saying something

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