Why was it the best? Ponder these few points:
1. The best people in the world.
2. The best country (aside from my own).
3. The best part of the Chile. You cannot beat mean temperatures of 80 degrees with no inclement weather, ever.
4. Great mission presidents
5. Best time ever. (Elder Holland would probably agree with me on this one. Just sayin'.)
6. Best companions, and fellow missionaries.
So, why the revisit? I recently received an e-mail from my mission website. I usually ignore these e-mails because I am too old to know anyone who puts their profile up. But, tonight was different because I remembered that it has been a few years since I last updated my profile. So, as I updated my profile, memories of the mission and those whom I served flooded my mind. It was great to reflect upon my experiences as a full-time missionary, and to be able to testify that every good thing that has happened to me thus far in my life is attributed to the mission.

I love my beautiful wife, who has a strong testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am grateful to be sealed to her for all time and eternity through the sealing blessings of the temple. I am fortunate to keep in contact with many of my dear Chilean friends. I have been able to return to Chile and visit them on two separate occasions. I hope to soon visit again to introduce them all to Kenz. She speaks amazing Spanish, and I can't wait to show her off to everyone in person!

I am grateful for the blessings of an education that will allow me to pursue interests that I developed on my mission. I am grateful for a language which has opened my mind, and has opened doors of opportunity.
I love the Chilean people. I love their culture, their country, and their language. What a blessing and privilege it has been for me to know and to serve them. Bear with me as I share a few of my favorite mission pictures.

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