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Wednesday, December 3, 2008
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Here are just a few pictures of what we've been up to during the past month or so.
Our Family

"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be only significant to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience.
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Husband. Med Student. Likes cuff links, ties, Brooks Brothers, summer, reading, Spanish, running, and the beach. Wants to make a difference in the world one life at a time. Loves Wife, Girly, and Baby Boy.
Wife. Mom. Cancer fighter. Résumé Guru. Jeans and blazer kind of girl. Likes entertaining, traveling, spring, shoes, reading, BYU, zebra pens, s'mores, freshly ground pepper, cooking, and photography. Launched a consulting firm. Tries new things, works hard and loves Husband, Girly, and Baby Boy.
Girly. The Binx. Precocious Princess. Beach girl. Swimmer. Diver. Kindergartener. Six going on sixteen. Likes princesses, crafting, art, and playing with friends. Sings, dances, gives the best hugs and kisses, and is the best big sister. Incredible little reader. Loves mama, dada, and Baby Brother.
Baby Boy. Little Sharkie. NICU grad. Beach baby. Likes faces and smiles. Enjoys scooting and snuggling. Loves mama, dada, and Big Sister.
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That is a lovely picture with the sun hitting all the trees.
LOVE the picture of the trees along the street! Excellent lines and composition! :o)
It all looks very festive to me--I LOVE decorating for Christmas (and everything about Christmas). I'm still working on our house; I've been a little slow this year.
Oh MY GOSHH!!! I love how Christmasy your home is sooooo fun!
Thanks guys! I love our little apartment, and wish all of you could come visit for Christmas! Yea! Merry Christmas!
I love the pictures Kenz! Your apartment is super cute and the chicken looks mmm mmm good!
Looks cute!!
Too bad the 10 foot tree didn't fit...I would have done the same thing too, because really, where would you eaten that most beautifully roasted chicken?? :) I love your decor McKenzie...and I especially love that you have a picture of Christ under your tree. I hope you don't mind if I steal that idea???
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