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Friday, December 14, 2012

Older, Fatter, and Wrinklier

Birthdays are not my favorite anymore. I'm getting older, fatter, wrinklier, and I'm not where I necessarily envisioned myself being at this point in my life. That said, I can't complain because life has been good. Speaking of good, this past birthday was good. Low key, that's how I like it.

I took the day off work and spent it with this little munchkin...

Who was Santa and made me sit on her lap and tell her what I wanted for Christmas, even though I didn't quite fit.

She was the cutest telling me the night before my birthday that my happy birthday presents were downstairs. I think she was as excited, if not more, for me to open my presents as I was.

We watched some Christmas shows.
Finished putting up some lights and decorations.

And then took the Frontrunner into Salt Lake for dinner and lights at Temple Square.

We may have stayed up a little past our bedtime, but it was worth it. 

And I realized that feeling tired wasn't just me getting old.


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